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Vincent J Galantucci DMD
Dr. Galantucci is continually updating his practice through  education,  the incorporation of the latest techniques and technologies.
Schick Digital Xrays are used to provide clear images at a fraction of the radiation exposure of traditional films.
Icon is a new way to treat white spots that often appear on teeth after orthodontic treatment.These areas can easily be treated without anesthetics or drilling.
Shade X  With the emphasis on esthetic dentistry, creating restorations that match the surrounding teeth are critical.  The shade x is an automatic shade detector that removes the subjective factors that were traditionally relied upon.
Vizilite is an oral cancer screening exam that is fast, painless and could possibly save your life. After rinsing with a solution for one minute a special light is used to detect any abnormal tissue.
Oral CDX is a quick, painless, brush biopsy tissue test which can help ensure that harmless appearing white and red spots are not in fact cancerous or precancerous.